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Voicemee is a powerful communication platform that allows you to manage Voice Broadcasting, Ringless Voicemail, and SMS campaigns directly. With a one-time payment model, you cut out the middleman, saving you thousands of dollars each year while giving you full control over your outreach campaigns. Unlike most competitors, Voicemee eliminates recurring payments, helping you save money while improving your marketing efforts.
This is where we beat everyone in the market. Voicemee allows you to pay a one-time cost for your chosen communication platform. After that, you pay directly to the provider—ONLY $0.0079 per text and $0.014 per successful call or voicemail drop. With no middleman taking a cut, you avoid paying 2.5¢ to 10¢ per message that other platforms charge. You'll save thousands of dollars annually with no recurring payments.
No! Voicemee offers a one-time payment model—no monthly recurring fees. You only pay once for access to the platform, and after that, you pay directly for usage at rates as low as $0.0079 per text and $0.014 per successful call or voicemail drop. There are no ongoing subscription costs, making it a highly cost-effective solution.
By eliminating middlemen and recurring fees, you can save thousands of dollars each year or month. Traditional platforms charge monthly fees, and their per-message rates often range from 2.5¢ to 10¢ per text or call. With Voicemee, you'll only pay for successful drops, significantly reducing your costs compared to competitors.
Getting started with Voicemee is easy. Sign up on our website, choose the communication platform you need (Voice Broadcasting, Ringless Voicemail, or SMS), and make the one-time payment. You’ll immediately have access to all features, and you can start sending campaigns right away.
Absolutely! Voicemee is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Its simple user-interface make setting up and running your campaigns a breeze, even if you don’t have technical experience.
Yes, Voicemee includes an API you can use to integrate your app with other platforms like CRMs, email marketing tools, and more. This allows you to automate your workflows and manage all your campaigns in one place.
Installation is simple! Just upload the Voicemee script to your web server. For example, you would upload it to
. Once uploaded, you can access the app by visiting:
Once you're there, you can start managing your outreach campaigns right away!
No worries! If you don't have a web server or simply don't want to upload your app to your server, we offer the option to host your copy of the app on for a one-time fee of $89 for life! You can click Buy Now if you prefer that option.
Yes, Voicemee allows you to run unlimited campaigns simultaneously. Whether you're sending voice messages, SMS, or voicemail drops, you can run as many campaigns as you need without any restrictions.
Voicemee allows you to personalize your text messages and voice messages with dynamic variables, such as names or custom fields. This makes your outreach more personal and relevant to each recipient, increasing engagement.
We’re here to help! Our support team is available to assist with any questions or issues you might have. You can contact us by visiting our contact page.
No, Voicemee’s pricing is fully transparent. You’ll only pay for successful voicemail drops or texts sent, at rates of $0.0079 per text and $0.014 per call or voicemail drop to the provider. There are no hidden fees, and you’ll never have to worry about monthly recurring charges.
After your purchase, you will receive the web application, including all the proprietary code, to upload to your web server. Therefore, ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We will only issue a full refund within 30 days of purchase if there is a problem preventing you from using the web application that we are unable to resolve.