Voice Broadcasting, Ringless Voicemail & Texting
At Your Finger Tips

Connect with Customers Quickly, Achieve 10-20% Higher Conversion Rates—Used by Over 5 Million Businesses Worldwide and Counting!

~ NO Subscription Fees ~

Talk To Customers Without Ever Picking Up The Phone

Send a voice broadcast to your customers that plays as soon as they pick up the phone, and then wait for the callbacks. Reach thousands of customers effortlessly while you focus on other aspects of your business.

Most People Listen To Voicemail

Most businesses answer most phone calls, and most people ignore calls unless they recognize the number. Ringless voicemail allows you to deliver your messages directly to your recipient's voicemail box, where they are listened to over 90% of the time.

Text Messages Are Read Within 3 Minutes

Reach customers in 3 minutes or less and generate leads for your growing business with ease. A crafty text message is all it takes to generate thousands of responses.

Track Your Campaigns With Real-Time Analytics

See how many calls were answered, voicemails delivered, and text messages delivered and responded to, all in real-time. Reporting that allows you to measure your campaign's performance and make adjustments as needed.

People Who Are Effectively Using Voicemail & SMS To Reach Their Audience



    Marketing Professionals


    General Services

    Political Campaigns


    Collections Agencies

    MCA Companies




    Financing Companies



    HR Departments


    Solar Companies

    Auto Dealerships

    Many Others

Join over 36,000 customers already using Voicemee Apps

How It Works And The Benefits

Voice broadcasting, ringless voicemail, and SMS outreach are extremely affordable, effective tools for businesses and organizations to communicate with their audience efficiently at any scale. Voice Broadcasting: Allows businesses and organizations to send pre-recorded messages to thousands of recipients at once, saving time and reducing labor costs. It’s cost-effective, ensures consistent messaging, and is more engaging than short text-based communication, leading to higher response rates. Ringless Voicemail: Delivers voicemail messages directly to recipients' inboxes without their phones ringing, offering a non-intrusive and personal way to communicate. It’s extremely affordable and has a 90% open rate, making it ideal for marketing, follow-ups, and reminders without the need for live calls. SMS Outreach: Sends personalized, concise messages directly to customers' phones with high open and response rates. SMS is quick, cost-effective, and scalable, allowing businesses and organizations to reach large audiences without breaking the budget. These methods are not only very affordable but also automate outreach, saving businesses and organizations time and effort while increasing engagement and return on investment.

Pricing Plans

This is where we beat everyone in the market. You pay a one-time cost for your desired communication platform and then pay the provider directly—ONLY $0.0079 per text and $0.014 per successful call or ringless voicemail drop. While ALL middlemen charge between 2.5¢ and up to 10¢ with a monthly or annual subscription, you’ll never have to overpay to send a voice broadcast, ringless voicemail drop, or SMS message by purchasing your own communication platform. Save thousands of dollars per year or month, WITHOUT annoying recurring fees.
Powerful Flagship Communication Platforms To Engage Your Audience

Reach Any Phone WORLDWIDE

We support sending voice broadcast, ringless voicemail, and SMS messages to over 80 countries including:

    United States









    New Zealand





    The Netherlands

    United Kingdom



Clone Your Own Voice With AI
powered by IIElevenLabs
Send dynamic personalized voice messages using your own voice your audience is already familiar with and improve your outreach response.

Hi {col_2}. My name is James Ferguson. I am interested in your property at {col_5} you have for sale. Kindly give me a call back at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
Try our Live Demo online and see both applications in action. Explore all the features, test the intuitive design, and discover how they can meet your communication needs.

Get Started TODAY!

Your Very Own Business Communication Platforms

SMS Bulk Sender

$ 497

Voice Broadcaster

$ 597

Voice & SMS Bundle

$ 997

Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
SMS Text MessagingReach out to your contacts with very responsive text messages.
Send Ringless Voicemail To Any Mobile Phone Or LandlineUpload pre-recorded voice message or record message with your phone and quickly send it to your contacts' voicemail without ringing their phones.
Upload And Manage UNLIMITED ContactsLoad and store all your contacts to reach out to whenever you choose.
Keep Track of Recipients ContactedAutomatically cycle through your contact list whenever campaign runs until it is completed.
Create and Randomize Text MessagesSend different variations of your text messages so you can maximize your outreach efforts.
Create and Randomize Voice Messages (EXCLUSIVE Feature!)Send different variations of your voice messages so you can maximize your outreach efforts. No one else offer this unique feature.
Get Your Own Custom Phone NumbersBuy phone numbers from area codes you want to use and show as your caller ID.
Send Voice Broadcast or Ringless VoicemailDecide if you want to call your contacts and play your pre-recorded message, or leave a voicemail without ringing their phones.
Only Pay For Successful Voicemail DropsOne of the reasons ringless voicemail is very affordable is because you will only be charge for voicemails that are successfully delivered to your contacts.
Set Maximum Contact To Reach Out At A TimeSpecify the maximum number of contacts from your whole list to reach out to each time your campaign runs.
Schedule CampaignSelect the days and time to automatically reach out to contacts on your list.
Personalize Every Text MessageMake each text message personal by including specific details, such as the recipient's name, by simply inserting placeholders like {col_2} in your message.
Personalize Every Voice MessageMake each voice message personal by including specific details, such as the recipient's name. Simply insert placeholders like {col_2} in your written message, and the AI will automatically include them when speaking.
CLONE Your Own Voice (POWERFUL Feature!)Send dynamic personalized voice messages using your own voice your audience is already familiar with and improve your outreach response.
Include Promotional Image With Your Text MessageGenerate more responses by including an image with you text message.
Export & Import CampaignsEasily import and export campaigns for quick setups.
Run Unlimited Campaigns SimultaneouslySchedule as many campaigns as you need and don’t worry about any delays in running them.
Record Your MessageYou can record your message directly via the app or upload one.
Reach Up To 3,600 Customers Per HourYou can quickly send up 3,600 voice broadcasts or ringless voicemails per hour to help generate the leads you need.
Foward Calls Or Play A Pre-Recorded MessageDecide how you want to handle incoming calls to your campaigns. You can choose to block calls, forward calls, or play a pre-recorded message.
View And Reply To Text MessagesManage all your text messages you receive in response to your compaigns directly within the SMS platform.
Manage Opt-Out ListRecipients that opt-out from receiving futher communicaton from your campaings can be viewed and edited via the included Opt-Out List.
View Detailed Reports of Your OutreachTrack your outreach efforts in real-time with detailed analytics.
Integrate With Any CRM or AppYou can access its functions through the API to integrate with CRMs or any other application..
Trusted Delivery Brand RegistrationEnjoy trusted sender status and increased delivery speed with select carriers when you register your brand and configure your own private pool of phone numbers using the provider's Trusted Delivery services.
Our Refund Policy
After your purchase, you will receive the web application, including all the proprietary code, to upload to your web server. Therefore, ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We will only issue a full refund within 30 days of purchase if there is a problem preventing you from using the web application that we are unable to resolve.

If you don't have a web server or is not able to upload the app to your web server, we can host your copy of the app here on for a one-time fee of $89 for life. Buy Now
Earn $100–$200 For Referring A Friend! Let's Go
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